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класс В Java это тип, описывающий структуру заданного объекта.

Научные статьи на тему «class»

Абстрактные классы и интерфейсы

признаки, то в таком случае имеется возможность использования абстрактных классов: publíc abstract class...
Vehícle { publíc abstract voíd Move(); } publíc class Car : Vehícle { publíc override voíd Move()...
{ Console.WríteLíne(«Машина передвигается»); } } publíc class Bus : Vehícle { publíc overríde voíd...
Vehicle {} public class Car : Vehicle, IMovable { public void Move() { Console.WriteLine(«Машина...
передвигается»); } } public class Bus : Vehicle, IMovable { public void Move() { Console.WriteLine

Статья от экспертов

Boosting class

Научный журнал

Клиент-серверное приложение на Java

Программная оболочка должна создать объект класса Clíent и запустить его работу: Clí publíc class...
clíent.start(); } catch (UnknownHostExceptíon e) { e.príntStackTrace(); } } } Clí publíc class...
Ниже приведен текст программы сервера: ServerLauncher.јava publíc class ServerLauncher { publíc statíc...
voíd main(Stríng args) { Server server = new Server();; } } Server.јava publíc class...
getSessíonsManger() { return thís.sessínonsManager; } } ClíentSession.јava //Базовая логика клиента publíc class

Статья от экспертов


Doira is the most popular instrument in Uzbekistan, often accompanied by dances and songs. No musical ensemble or orchestra is complete without this instrument. All colorful and complex rhythms can only be played on the doira, so doira players are distinguished by their performing skills. AI Petrosyants wrote about this in all the published literature "Doira's Textbook" for students who are just starting to learn. It includes notes on musical performance, literacy, recommendations for obtaining theoretical knowledge, exercises for practical performance, etudes, starting with small pieces and improving performing skills. In the past, it was traditionally taught by teacher-student orally, but at the beginning of the twentieth century, important historical events took place in the musical culture of Uzbekistan. Along with the performance of oral professional music based on national traditions, compositional creativity based on musical notation began to take shape.

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