События «Арабская весна»
революционные события, начавшиеся в Тунисе 14 января 2011 года и охватившие Северную Африку и Ближний Восток.
феномен, включающий три элемента: 1. юридическую линию прохождения границы; 2. агентов и институты государства, которые демаркируют границу и поддерживают ее режим; 3. фронтиры.
С помощью атрибута BORDER тега < FRAMESET> можно изменить толщину линий обрамления фрейма.
The paper focuses on the tourism development strategy of the Amur Oblast called “Twin Cities”. Said initiative became the first attempt of the Russian Far Eastern regions to create the hospitality industry towards Chinese tourists in the Sino-Russian borderlands. Bringing together such sub-disciplines as border tourism, urban planning and territorial development helps to find out the peculiarities of Blagoveshchensk and Heihe relations among other adjacent settlements along the Russian-Chinese border. Detected features give the ground to define “twin-cities” rhetoric around the border city pair under the scrutiny as a touristic brand construction. On the basis on Blagoveshchensk and Heihe investment plans analysis, the author argues that studied initiative might reshape unbalanced one-sided structure of current tourist flow across the Russian-Chinese border.
которой параметром width определяется расстояние между рамками блока с учетом отступов (padding) и рамок (border...
свойство box-sizing, со значениями content-box, указывающим на использование стандартной модели W3C, и border-box
The paper features the US-Mexico cross-border cooperation from the formation of the border in the mid-nineteenth century until present. During most of the XIX-th century the border region was largely under-populated and underdeveloped. The two sides of the borderland developed unevenly due to discrepancies in the economic, social and political potential of the two nations. On the American side the development of the new territories came in the form of a series of "booms and busts" of settlement and economic activity. The Mexican border region did not develop as rapidly and depended mostly on its closeness to the USA, due to its far distance from business centers in Mexico. In the late XIX -early XX centuries Mexican border communities flourished due to US investments into railroads and mining industry. A new economic order in the Mexican border region started in the mid-twentieth century with Border Industrialization Program, which set up maquiladoras manufacturing plants to...
революционные события, начавшиеся в Тунисе 14 января 2011 года и охватившие Северную Африку и Ближний Восток.
организация, созданная в 1989 г., в нее входят: Австралия, Бруней, Малайзия, Сингапур, Таиланд, Новая Зеландия, Папуа-Новая Гвинея, Индонезия, Филиппины, Тайвань, Гонконг, Япония, Южная Корея, Китай, Канада, США, Мексика, Чили.
влияние демографических параметров на структуру государства (термин Р. Челлена).
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