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Развитие идеи статьи.Поиск дополнительной информации

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РАЗВИТИЕ ИДЕИ СТАТЬИ, ПОИСК ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ © Анна Гурарий 2 Characteristics of a good paper topic. Checklist 1. Your question does not have a simple answer 2. Your question is worth answering 3. Your paper will achieve its purpose 4. You are interested in the topic 5. The topic is the right size for the length of the paper 6. There is enough (but not too much) information available in reliable sources 7. You have enough time to do what you need to do © Анна Гурарий 3 What does your paper say? Main idea Purpose of the paper Thesis Statement Answer to the research question Your opinion © Анна Гурарий Thesis statement 4 © Анна Гурарий 5 Thesis statement 1. Main idea of the paper. ONE idea. The entire paper is based on this statement. 2. Your opinion or point of view. The thesis statement is not a fact nor a question, but your view of the topic and what you want to say about it. 3. Purpose of the paper. From the thesis, it should be clear what the paper will do. 4. Answer to the research question. Ask yourself the question and then answer it with your thesis. Is it truly an answer? (if not, change the question or the answer!) + An element of surprise. This means that the thesis is interesting, engaging, and perhaps not so expected. + Clarity. It should be understandable after one reading and have no mistakes. © Анна Гурарий 6 EXAMPLE BASIC OUTLINE Research Question: Why has childhood obesity increased in the United States? Thesis: Childhood obesity has increased in the United States due to the unhealthy environment in which many American children are raised. Sections: • I. Children eat more than in the past (portion sizes have increased). • II. Children often do not eat healthy meals. • 1. Healthy food is hard to get (expensive + rare). • 2. Schools provide unhealthy food • • • • III. Children do not have as much physical activity as in the past. 1. Physical activity in schools has decreased. 2. Some children live in areas unsafe for outdoor activity. 3. Many children watch too much TV. • IV. Parents model bad habits. • 1. Parents do not have time, money, or information to prepare healthy meals. • V. Food companies and advertising may bear some responsibility, but parents should be able to help children resist them. © Анна Гурарий 7 ЗАДАНИЕ. Тайминг 25 минут 1. Распределиться по группам. ВАЖНО! В каждой команде должен быть как минимум один человек, который уже определился с темой статьи и выполнил самостоятельную работу по написанию предварительного плана статьи = капитан команды  2. Капитан команды презентует наработанный материал. 3. Обсуждение в группах темы работы. 4. Презентация членом/членами команды основной идеи статьи капитана группы другим участникам курса. © Анна Гурарий 8 The Introduction 1. Gain the immediate attention of the audience • Quotation from a famous person or expert that introduces your topic • Brief and INTERESTING historical review of your topic • Statement which stresses the importance of your topic • Contradiction – someone else’s opinion (opposite of yours) about your topic + Do NOT be too general! Immediately dive into your specific topic; don’t waste space with a general introduction of the entire subject area. + Do NOT begin with your thesis idea! Use the introduction to build up to your thesis statement, so it comes with a little tension. © Анна Гурарий 9 The Introduction 2. Provide any necessary background information or definition of any terms. • Give only the history, facts, or definitions that readers will need to understand your topic and thesis. Keep in mind what the audience already knows. • Use facts/statistics to show the problem if necessary. • Avoid dictionary and encyclopedia definitions if possible and explain in your own words what the important concepts in your paper mean. • Use source information to provide background information, but not to answer the research question or give your opinion. • Make sure that the readers now know enough to follow your paper, but not too much that they have lost the focus of your paper. © Анна Гурарий 10 The Introduction 3. Briefly introduce the main points (sections) of the paper • In academic writing, the writer lets the reader know what to expect. Provide a brief overview of your paper’s main points. • Do NOT support or try to prove these points. Do not go into depth. • Do NOT just write a one-sentence list of your points. You can't summarize a great idea in one word. © Анна Гурарий 11 The Introduction 4. Have a thesis statement (often the last sentence) In the thesis, • Answer the research question in a clear, straightforward statement. • Make sure the purpose and point of view of your paper are clear. • Do NOT write a long, wordy, confusing thesis statement (especially do not try to include all of your main points). • Do NOT announce your intentions. Avoid “This paper will prove…” or “I’m going to write about…” Don’t tell the audience what you are going to do; just do it. * Academic Writing Guide, City University of Seattle, 2010
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