The article deals with problem of contemporary anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. Also the article investigates problem of State of Israel legitimacy in Middle East region.Various points of view about legitimacy and denyings of legitimacy of existence of the state of Israel are considered: from positions of international law, orthodox Judaism, radical islam, European ultraright and ultraleft actors and modern realities of the Near-Eastern region. The article is a research of modern representations about legitimacy or denyings of legitimacy of existence of the state of Israel in a context antiSemitic and antiZionist views (in this case antiZionism is considered as the system of views denying the right of Jews, as a nation, on the statehood and territory in the Near-Eastern country, called in the remote past Canaan, Erec-Israel, Palestin, and then the state Israel).
(греч. самоудовлетворение) — совокупность мер и средств, используемых государственными и политико-негосударственными субъектами, направленных на обособление политических институтов в целях создания замкнутой политической системы, отдельных ее организационных структур, их видов
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