Reception dock
разгрузочная площадка.
излишек, остаток - количество продукции, имеющейся на момент учета в запасе (residual stock, final stock).
данном предприятии в данный момент времени отсутствует; сверхнормативные запасы (excess inventory, surplus
The subject of research of this paper is the specifics of forming and managing a budget surplus when providing economic growth for the national economy. The results of analyzing the concepts of a budget balance are presented, and directions for managing a positive balance of the state budget are revealed. The specifics of the macroeconomic politics of a surplus are given, and it is revealed that forming a “new” fiscal regime - surplus regime - requires a radical restructuring of budget management. The general typical features of countries with a long-term period of a budget surplus are revealed: focus on budget consolidation on the expenditure side of the budget and the ensuing complex budget reforms made after achieving a surplus. It is discovered that one of the main reasons for supporting a stable surplus budget in a number of the world’s countries is the radical restructuring of economic and financial priorities, which was caused by serious macroeconomic shocks. It is noted that...
установилась выше равновесной цены, то может возникнуть избыток предложений, то есть, перепроизводство (surplus
So-called non-core technologies that currently do not fit in the strategic focus of a company may nevertheless contain great future opportunities. However, dealing with these technologies (or research surplus) necessitates changes in the organizational structure and efficient management practices. In this paper, we develop a portfolio tool, Research Surplus Portfolio (RSP), for managing non-core technologies. Within the RSP system, we concentrate on the following key phases of the management process: the storage of non-core technologies, the maintenance of the portfolio, and evaluation of technologies. We also discuss the tools and metrics that can be applied within the RSP for evaluating technologies.
разгрузочная площадка.
изъятие - снятие товара с продажи.
выполнение логистических операций третьим лицом; передача промышленной ил иторговой фирмой всех или части работ по хранению,перевозке, упаковыванию товаров и т.п. исполнителю (провайдеру) логистических услуг, например, складу общего пользования, транспорту общего пользования.
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