CCOR-модель (Customer Chain Operations Reference model)
«рекомендованная модель по цепям потребителей».
недопоставка - поставка, масса которой или количество штук продукции в которой меньше предусмотренного договором поставки или наряд-заказом; недопоставка может быть результатом умышленных действий поставщика,отгрузившего продукцию в количестве меньше обусловленного; естественной убыли, хищения, частичной утраты груза по вине перевозчика.
Background: The traditional ophthalmological dosage forms have a low bioavailability, a rapid precorneal clearance and a low corneal permeability. The gelling system or system with a prolonged action (prolonged eye-drops) may be overcome by the application of fibers. An innovative dosage form was described for ophthalmology and perspective drug development. The authors also conducted an overview of the polymers investigated in the production of films or tablets for oral dosage forms. The properties of fibers revealed fundamental differences from polymers. Combining different properties of pharmaceutical formulations appears to offer a synergy in bioavailability and sustained release with very comfortable conditions of use and prolonged action. Novel formulations, such as prolonged eye-drops and gels or thinnest films for the eye, will be developed and tested in vitro studies. This enhancement stipulates for perspective pharmaceutical development. The aim of the study: To describe th...
Spontaneous preterm birth is the leading cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality. In twins, the rate of preterm birth is higher than in singletons; interventions to prevent preterm birth are needed in this high-risk population. Purpose of the study. We sought to test whether a cervical pessary and vaginal progesterone reduces thepreterm birth rate in twin pregnancies with sonographic short cervix. Materials and methods. A prospective study was conducted in 101 women with a twin pregnancy and a sonographic short cervix ≤25 mm, which had no signs of premature birth and chorioamnionitis. In 36 women the watchful waiting strategy (group 1, control) was applied, in other 65 women the administration of cerclage cervical pessary in combination with the vaginal form of micronized progesterone was used. The primary outcomes of the study were spontaneous deliveries up to 34 weeks of gestation, the secondary results were perinatal mortality, unwanted neonatal consequences and need for speci...
«рекомендованная модель по цепям потребителей».
1. единица хранения –продукция, хранящаяся в данной складской ячейке (storage location); единица номенклатуры продукции склада.2. единица учета товаров – в розничной торговле: конкретный типосорторазмер, артикул и т.п., используемый при размещении заказа (orderplacement) поставщику.
график поставок - согласованный между поставщиком и покупателем документ ,регулирующий сроки, ассортимент и порядок отгрузки товаров, являющихся предметом договора купли-продажи, договора поставки и т.п.
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