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Reverse logistics

Предмет Логистика
👍 Проверено Автор24

материальный поток,направление которого противоположно исходному, т.е. материальный поток от потребителя к поставщику, а также логистические операции, связанные с таким потоком; обратный материальный поток может включать, например, возврат товара, отзыв товара, утилизацию твердых бытовых отходов и т.п.

Научные статьи на тему «Reverse logistics»


The article considers the issue of return flow management in supply chains. Recently, this problem has become particularly acute due to growing economic losses and social, economic and security threats, a sharp increase in the return of unused, substandard, end-of-life products, hazardous and hazardous waste, materials for recycling and regeneration. This link of business processes was not even distinguished in the structure of the supply chain before. Based on the analysis of the theory and practice of recycling, resource conservation, recycling and disposal, the authors concluded that it is necessary to form a closed supply chain with the participation of reversible flows and based on the concept of product life cycle. The example of Ukraine illustrates the current situation with the formation and accumulation and processing of waste production and life due to the actual lack of reverse logistics services. The paper develops a comprehensive scheme-structure of existing problems of...

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The reverse logistics model with reusing of product parts

Main goal of this paper is to create the reverse logistics model that uses reliability theory to describe reusability of product parts with assumption that recovered components are used in process of new products manufacturing. Authors assume that they aren’t as good as new ones which is an important difference compared to the most models that were created before. The model allows to estimate the potential profits of the reusing policy in a production and gives the base to optimize some of the process parameters: the threshold work time of returns or the warranty period for products containing reused elements.

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Еще термины по предмету «Логистика»

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запас, резерв.

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Акт о приемке материалов

документ для оформления приемки товарноматериальных ценностей в случае расхождения фактического наличия с данными сопроводительных документов поставщика; порядок и сроки оформления актов предусмотрены инструкциями о порядке приемки изделий народного потребления по количеству и качеству.

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грузовые вагоны, предназначенные для перевозки наливных грузов (бензин, керосин, молоко, масло и др.).

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