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Предмет Программирование
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Научные статьи на тему «parameter»

WinAPI C++

значение, возвращаемое оконной процедурой (имеет тип long); LPARAM – тип для описания lParam (long parameter...
); WPARAM – тип для описания wParam (word parameter).

Статья от экспертов

Parameter estimations for Availability Growth

The reliability growth process applied to a complex system undergoing development and field test involves surfacing failure modes, analyzing the modes, and, in addition to repair, in some cases implementing corrective actions to the surfaced modes. In such a manner, the system configuration is matured with respect to reliability. The conventional procedure of reliability growth implies evaluation of two principal parameters of the NHPP process only for failure rate. Since standard NHPP does not take into account parameters of repairs, it is necessary to develop expanded procedure as the basis for the Availability Growth. It implies evaluation of both: a) the parameters of failure rate and, b) the parameters of repair rate. Authors suggest a model and numerical method to search these parameters

Научный журнал

Hybrid reliability modelling with imprecise parameter

The real world phenomena are often facing the co-existence reality of different formality of uncertainty and thus the probabilistic reliability modeling practices are very doubtful. Under complicated uncertainty environments, hybrid variable modeling is important in reliability and risk analysis, which includes Bayesian distributional theory, random fuzzy distributional theory, as well as fuzzy random distributional theory as special distribution families. In this paper, we define a new hybrid lifetime which is specified by a random lifetime distribution with imprecise parameter with an uncertainty distribution. We furthermore define the average chance distribution as a quality index for quantifying the hybrid lifetime and accordingly the average chance reliability is derived

Научный журнал

Еще термины по предмету «Программирование»

Активация путей

(path sensitizing) составление набора входных значений для обеспечения выполнение определенного пути.

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Ортогональность языков программирования

означает, что любые возможные комбинации различных языковых конструкций будут осмысленными, без непредвиденных ограничений или неожиданного поведения, возникающих в результате взаимодействия конструкций или контекста использования.

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