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Предмет Программирование
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Научные статьи на тему «main»

Основы программирования на языке Java

. */ public class HelloWorld { // Точка входа в программу - метод main()....
public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("Hello, World"); } } Исходные тексты,...
Метод main вызывается первым, т.е. является точкой входа в программу.

Статья от экспертов

Main feature

Научный журнал

Haskell язык программирования

выглядит на Haskell следующим образом: module Main where main :: IO () main = putStrLn "Hello, World!

Статья от экспертов

Reliability of main transformers

Key equipment for the electric power transmission is the transformer. Because of the high failure frequency and the resultant reliability and safety implications in particular of main transformers, an in-depth assessment is necessary. Main transformers are considered as a critical equipment because of the large quantity of oil in contact with high voltage elements. Experience has shown an increasing number of transformer explosions and fires in all types of power plants worldwide. Therefore, these phenomena have been investigated in more detail and are discussed with regard to potential root causes for these events such as potential influence of the age of the transformers. Moreover, possible diagnostic measures to avoid such events and enhance the reliability are shortly described. For investigating the current status of the reliability of transformers different types of databases have been evaluated.

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