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Lot size

Предмет Логистика
👍 Проверено Автор24

регламентируемые договором поставки количество и ассортимент продукции в отдельной поставке; для транзитных поставок зависит от таких факторов как заказная норма,транзитная норма.

Научные статьи на тему «Lot size»

Виды запасов

функциональному назначению По функциональному назначению выделяют: текущий (регулярный) запас (base stock, lot-size

Статья от экспертов

Пространство для жизни в Японии: минимальный предел

Small living houses are very popular in modern architecture of Japan. Small size of the house makes architects to find a lot of new decisions of using it's inner space. The Author describes few examples of projects, where small interior space becomes comfortable, free and variable in it's functions

Научный журнал

A variable neighborhood descent heuristic for a multi-item lot-sizing problem with remanufacturing

Objective: to implement the neighborhood descent heuristic approach into solving the lot-sizing problem.Methods: a variable neighborhood descent heuristic approach and a framework of lot-sizing problem.Results: dynamic lot-sizing problem is supposed to be an NP-hard problem a problem for which there is no known polynomial algorithm, so the time to find a solution grows with a problem size. In the article, we explain the basic lot-sizing, lot-sizing in closed-loop, describe methods used by other researchers, and provide reasoning for using a variable neighborhood descent heuristic method. Implementation of the method is presented in a numerical example. Application of the method significantly reduces estimation time when searching for lot-sizing problem solution. Application of the method significantly reduces estimation time when searching for lot-sizing problem solution.Scientific novelty: the method may significantly reduce time expenses during the solution of the lot-sizing probl...

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