Абстрактная информационно-поисковая система
[Abstract Information Retrieval System] — совокупность информационно-поискового языка, методов индексирования и поиска документов и данных.
более длинный документ, детально описывающий лицензионные условия.
This paper explores aspects of the criminal law standards in the Criminal code that sanction the crime of corruption. Different classifications of corruption are outlined and set the basis for a deeper investigation of crime corruption.
. In Kazakhstan, required prerequisites for creation of the codied act in construction area appeared. It is worth mentioning that the construction legislation is a set of different types of the public relations, closely interrelated. Basis for the construction legislation codication is the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 16, 2001, No. 242 «On Architectural, Urban and Construction Activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan». Therefore the main difference of the construction legislation from other legislation branches is a closest interrelation with regulating technical documents. A large number of bylaws and technical documentation complicate the application of construction legislation. That adoption of the new codied act would solve a problem of a signicant number of bylaws and technical documentation. Construction legislation has to follow the principles of publicity, transparency and openness, involvement of the population to discussion of signicant issues. In this...
[Abstract Information Retrieval System] — совокупность информационно-поискового языка, методов индексирования и поиска документов и данных.
случайный ключ для шифрования файлов, аналог дискового ключа.
наиболее распространенные персональные компьютеры.
Возможность создать свои термины в разработке
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