пещера (кумык.). Дагестан. См. ан.
(др. назв.: Большой Инзер) - река на Южном Урале, являющаяся левым притоком Сима в бассейне Белой. Длина: 307 км. Площадь бассейна: 5380 км2. Средний расход: свыше 60 м3/с.
Самые крупные реки берут начало в горах Ямантау и Иремель – Большой и Малый Инзер, Юрюзань, Катав, Белая
The Bol'shoy Inzer River flows through the South Ural Mountains within the Republic of Bashkortostan. The Peregrine Falcon has been surveyed conducted here in the period from 27 June to 6 July 2004. The surveys in fact are continuation of a work by I.V. Karyakin in 1996, who initially mapped all nesting areas of the Peregrine Falcon along the Bol'shoy Inzer River. During our surveys a total of 7 occupied nests with 16 juveniles were located in 2004 (10 occupied nests with 13 juveniles in 1996). Within the study area three (Numbers 7, 11 and 12) peregrines shifted their nests to the cliffs occupied by eagle owls in 1996. In the 35 km stretch of the river valley in middle of the study area (between nesting territories 3 and 5) peregrine falcons were completely lacking due to high numbers of the Eagle Owl there. In general it is noted a great degree of spatial conservatism of the nest locations of Peregrines within the study area.
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