The main objective of the work is to determine plague as an epidemic disease. Plague is an acute bacterial infection of a man.1).The war against plague: there are four players involved in initiating and maintaining plague among human population viz. a flea, a rodent, a bacillus and man. Theoretically, the transmission of the disease can be stopped if any one of these player is effectively managed. 2).Control of fleas: There are at least 31 fleas which are proven vector of plague. If fleas can be destroyed, bubonic plague cannot be spread, so flea destruction by insecticide is the essential process in stopping the spread. A flea index should be established and monitored. Flea indices do not in themselves indicate an imminent plague epidemic. They serve as a warning that more stringent control measures are needed to protect human beings. During epidemic when insecticidal spray is done, the flea index should drop to zero within 48 hours of application. Health personnel working in plagu...