Reach truck
складская машина с ручным, механическим или электрическим приводом, предназначенная для укладки тарно-штучных грузов в штабели (stacker).
поставка товаров промышленным предприятием непосредственно потребителю, без посредников.
The article describes the history of delivery of first commercial oil from Ust-Balyk field what took place in May 26, 1964.Names of founders of first objects of commercial oil production are given. Generalizing set forth and basing on own knowledge being the direct official representative of the area engaged in the matters concerning Ust-Balyk oil field, the author emphasized that objects of commercial production of Ust-Balyk oil field by original scheme were constructed by Ust-Balyk oil exploration expedition, and the first oil delivery was done by geologists.
The aim of the investigation was to assess the efficiency of posttraumatic regeneration of murine spinal cord in immediate single administration of human umbilical cord mononuclear blood cells transfected by pBud-VEGF-FGF2 plasmid, and direct injection of this plasmid in the damage area. Two problems were to be solved: to reveal the correlation between morphological and functional spinal cord indices and estimate the amount of S100B+-cells in the conditions of local delivery of vegf and fgf2 genes on cellular carriers or in direct gene therapy. Materials and Methods. The rats after dosing contusion spinal cord injury (ТVIII level) were divided into four groups. One group animals were administered umbilical cord mononuclear blood cells transfected by pBud-VEGF-FGF2 plasmid in damage area, the animals of another group were administered the same cells transfected by pEGFP-N2 plasmid in similar conditions. The animals of other two groups were injected pBudVEGF-FGF2 plasmid in the same a...
складская машина с ручным, механическим или электрическим приводом, предназначенная для укладки тарно-штучных грузов в штабели (stacker).
процесс разблокировки товара (артикула) на складе с указанием причины разблокировки и возврат товара в ассортимент, например, в том случае, если до уплаты штрафа поставщиком за несвоевременную поставку товар был выведен из продажи и заблокирован.
грузовые вагоны, предназначенные для перевозки наливных грузов (бензин, керосин, молоко, масло и др.).
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