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Delivery order

Предмет Логистика
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1. долевой коносамент, содержащий распоряжение о выдаче части доставленного по нему груза определенномулицу 2. письменное предписание владельца груза хранителю относительно выдачи части груза определенному лицу.

Научные статьи на тему «Delivery order»

Targeted drug delivery in lipid-like nanocages and extracellular vesicles

The possibility of targeted drug delivery to a specific tissue, organ, or cell has opened new promising avenues in treatment development. The technology of targeted delivery aims to create multifunctional carriers that are capable of long circulation in the patient’s organism and possess low toxicity at the same time. The surface of modern synthetic carriers has high structural similarity to the cell membrane, which, when combined with additional modifications, also promotes the transfer of biological properties in order to penetrate physiological barriers effectively. Along with artificial nanocages, further efforts have recently been devoted to research into extracellular vesicles that could serve as natural drug delivery vehicles. This review provides a detailed description of targeted delivery systems that employ lipid and lipid-like nanocages, as well as extracellular vesicles with a high level of biocompatibility, highlighting genetically encoded drug delivery vehicles.

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Urban logistics (or city logistics) is developing rapidly due to the strong growth of e-commerce. Accordingly, the last-mile urban logistics faces a significant number of orders that need to be fulfilled in a dense urban development, environmental constraints and permanent congestion. One of the possible systems of rational city delivery is the use of a network of consolidation centers at the micro level. Such a network provides for a two-tier system of urban delivery 1) from the central warehouse or warehouses to the network of microconsolidation centers; 2) from microconsolidation centers to end consumers. This scheme is especially relevant in the presence of restrictions on the movement of trucks or heavy vehicles in certain areas of the city, as well as in significant congestion and the problem of parking trucks when unloading at the location of the client. Methods (research methodology). To create a rational delivery network through a microconsolidation system, the primary task...

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Еще термины по предмету «Логистика»

Carriage conditions

условия перевозки устанавливаются на конкретном маршруте и привязаны к конкретным товарам и материалам (например, опасные, хрупкие), к виду упаковки (паллета, коробка, ролл и т.п.), перевозка осуществляется специальными видами транспорта (трейлер, грузовик,самолет и т.п.), предназначенными для транспортировки грузов определенного вида,типа,упаковки и с соблюдением правил безопасности перевозки грузов.

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перевозка товара из одного места хранения в другое.

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1. разгрузка – логистическая операция, связанная с освобождением транспортного средства или тары от груза; разгрузке предшествуют другие логистические операции, например, перевозка, хранение; 2. выгрузка – извлечение груза из трансп. средства, тары, кладовой и т.п.

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