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Delivery note

Предмет Логистика
👍 Проверено Автор24

оформленный грузоотправителем документ, доставляемый вместе с товаром, подписанная грузополучателем,транспортная накладная является распиской грузополучателя.

Научные статьи на тему «Delivery note»

Energy flows in Central Asia and the Caspian region: new opportunities and new challenges

When the Soviet Union collapsed, newly independent states appeared on the shores of the Caspian and in expanses of Central Asia, the horizons of which have significantly widened due to the development of hydrocarbon reserves. This has been essentially promoted by the formation of export pipelines in the east-west direction. We will note that the Soviet pipeline system was created in the north-south direction and intended for managing flows of oil and gas in the interests of the entire state. As for the new hydrocarbon-rich states of the Caspian Region and Central Asia, changing the direction of energy flows has become a key task of their foreign and domestic policy. It is no accident that in the last 15-20 years, regional and extra-regional players have become involved in an extremely intense fight for access to the Caspian’s oil and gas, as well as actively engaged in building infrastructure for their transportation to the consumers. 1 At the same time, despite the many forecasts...

Научный журнал

Experience in Diagnostics and Surgical Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism in Pregnant Women

Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a serious and frequent extragenital complication of pregnancy, yet too few descriptions of its treatment exist. This article describes three clinical cases of surgical treatment of pregnant women with the diagnosis of massive critical PE resulted from deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities and small pelvis with recurrent embolic syndrome. The diagnoses were confirmed with instrumental methods (echoCG, multislice spiral CT angiography). The patients were operated by employing the technique of open thromboembolectomy from the pulmonary arteries on the beating heart. It was found that results and terms of different therapies are determined by the area of lesion and localization of emboli in pulmonary vascular bed. The optimal surgery technique in this case is embolectomy from pulmonary arteries in conditions of artificial circulation on the beating heart without aortic compression with minimized perfusion time and maintaining high volume velocity (2.4 ...

Научный журнал

Еще термины по предмету «Логистика»

Prepared route

последовательность промежуточных пунктов между местом отправления и местом назначения транспортного средства(специально сформированная для конкретного маршрута).

🌟 Рекомендуем тебе

Product family

группа товаров, которые похожи по своим потребительским качествам, – из одной категории, но разного размера, вида, сорта и т.п.

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Частота движения средств транспорта средняя

число средств транспорта, проследовавших по участку в среднем за сутки; определяется делением выполненных за определенный период времени поездо-километров (общего пробега автомобилей, судов) на эксплуатационную длину участка железной дороги, дороги автомобильной, речного пути.

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