Кодовая комбинация
набор из символов принятого алфавита.
десятиэлектродная электронно-управляемая лампа, имеющая анод, катод, управляющий электрод и семь дополнительных электродов.
Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are a promising technology intended for the treatment of diseases and trauma of the nervous system. BCIs establish a direct connection between the brain areas that remain functional and assistive devices, such as powered prostheses and orthoses for the arms and legs, motorized wheelchairs, artificial sensory organs and other technologies for restoration of motor and sensory functions. BCIs of various kinds are currently developing very rapidly, aided by the progress in computer science, robotic applications, neurophysiological techniques for recording brain activity and mathematical methods for decoding neural information. BCIs are often classified as motor BCIs (the ones that reproduce movements), sensory BCIs (the ones that evoke sensations), sensorimotor BCIs (the ones that simultaneously handle motor and sensory functions), and cognitive BCIs intended to regulate the higher brain functions. All these BCI classes can be either invasive (i. e. pene...
набор из символов принятого алфавита.
мощность, подводимая к излучателю лазера.
восьмиэлектродная электронно-управляемая лампа, имеющая анод, катод, управляющий электрод и пять дополнительных электродов.
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