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The dynamics of overgrowing of spawning grounds in the southern area of Peipsi-Pihkva Lake complex is considered, based on 28 years of observations from Anokhovo Bay. The history of the study of the water area is analyzed in detail, the species and syntaxonomic composition of plant associations in the littoral areas of the bay is described, and the dominant species are established. Over the entire observation period, the total number of macrophyte species increased by almost 2.5 times, and the number of plant associations increased approximately twofold. The area of the bay overgrown with macrophytes increased by 9.5%, with a simultaneous increase in the overgrowth density. The dominant species are common reed Phragmites australis, lakeshore bulrush Schoenoplectus lacustris, and yellow water-lily Nuphar lutea.
The paper is aimed at studying the seiche structure in the adjacent bays' system of real configuration. Methods and Results. The response of the Sevastopol and Quarantine bays (Black Sea) to sea level fluctuations set at the open boundary of the computational domain has been studied. A number of random harmonics within the range of the eigen periods of these bays were used as fluctuations. The ADCIRC numerical model was applied for simulating. The numerical experiments were performed for three ranges obtained from the analytical estimates: 30-52, 8-30 and 1-15 min. The energy-bearing periods of seiche oscillations were revealed for both bays. The mutual influence of these bays was also studied. Conclusions. The above mentioned wave disturbances lead to generation of the seiche oscillations in the bays. For the Sevastopol Bay, their periods are 48, 22, 16, 10 and 6 min, for the Quarantine Bay - 1 1.4 and 4.8 min. The number of the generated modes is determined by the interval of ...
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