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Basic route

Предмет Логистика
Разместил 🤓 CelandinGapp
👍 Проверено Автор24

последовательность промежуточных пунктов между местом отправления иместом назначения транспортного средства.(первоначально заданных в системе).

Научные статьи на тему «Basic route»

Methods of Planning the Flight Route for Class I Unmanned Aerial Vehicle of Special Purpose in a Given Area

The article develops the methods of the flight route planning for Class I unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) of special purpose in a given area. The basic indices of the flight route planning of Class I UAV within the monitoring of the objects area are defined. The article presents the order of indices normalizing. It proves the expediency and optimization scheme for the calculation of the generalized performance indicator of the flight route planning in a given area.

Научный журнал

Multinominal logit model of bicyclist route choice

The paper presents the multinominal logit discrete choice model that allows determining parameters coefficients of the cyclists’ route. The basic model includes six parameters, however, only a number of signalized intersections, speed of motorized traffic and total physical work required from cyclist prove to be significant factors. The model provides a better understanding about cyclist traffic assignment.

Научный журнал

Еще термины по предмету «Логистика»


выгрузка груза из одного транспортного средства и погрузка его в другое, с промежуточным хранением или без такового.

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